Long ago, I died. I was seven years old, and was offered a doorway out. I call these exit portals that appear several times in one's lifetime to give your soul a decision point to leave or continue.
My cousin side-swam me out to a very large raft in the middle of a lake. Despite the fact I lived on an island surrounded by water, and many lakes dotted the area,I hadn't been taught to swim. That, however did not cross my mind at that moment.
We were basking in the sun and fun, when suddenly the mass of kids on the raft decided to flip it over, jolly fun for all! I slowly sank down to the bottom of the lake. There was no fear, no panic, just absolute peace and a curiosity about the lake bottom. I was surrounded with love, and I mean LOVE with all capital letters. I remember a stream of light piercing through the grey.
Down there underwater, I had a nice chat with my Angelic crew and Spiritual Guides. This went on for quite a while, which also didn't cross my mind much. I'd chosen a difficult life, and it was only going to get more difficult, but as usual, I swore I could handle it! This time I could free myself of lifetimes of patterns, have a big awakening, and become a spiritual being within the confines of the Earth 3D experience. All I had to do is survive the "Holy Initiation" of the first couple dozen years or so. Right?
At that point, a lifeguard apparently found me down there, brought me up and pumped me out, and thud, there I was back in form. From then on, I began to have a series of communications and synchronicities to remind me I was part of a bigger, unseen reality, and was being watched over.
Several unusual things occurred after that incident. I began to recall my past lives very vividly. Many children will tell you in detail their past lives, right about the age of 4 when their verbal skills get to certain level, but the 3D reality hasn't conditioned them toward what is "true" and what isn't "true". My mother would often find me in the bathroom, sleepwalking, running water over my hands to cool them from being on fire. I was born in 1956 and was remembering a very short life I'd had in WWII that was best forgotten.
On our large property we had orchards, fields, forests,beaches and an old abandon homestead. I disappeared into the beauty of nature. Nature was my playground and my companion.
The old house we called the "farmhouse" and used it to store things. My mother had married into a family that held a large property. They also held grudges, and were unbelievably dysfunctional on a scale hard to imagine.
As a small example, I realized later that what was stored in the farmhouse were the remnants of my grandfathers sister's life. She was murdered by her son, who also murdered his own daughter and burned their residence to cover the crime. He also did himself in to boot. We are talking some extremely volatile genetics here, bipolar alcoholics, passed on down the male line. Way to pick em Mom! I was always relieved I didn't have a blood tie to this bunch.
To me, of course the farmhouse was a treasure chest. I was free to root around, find whatever I like, and haul it to my house down the bend. I could feel the energy of the items, but they held no darkness, for some reason.
And now to the violets. Under a large maple tree i took rest quite a bit, basking in the sun, safe against the moss. That year, around age seven, I noticed the patch of violets. These weren't just ordinary violets, they were oderata violets, sweet violets, the kind that have a strong, heady scent. No one else in the world knew about this violet patch, and it became my special spot. I also became obsessed with violets, and my family gifted me with prints, teacups, and little boxes with violets printed on them. To fast forward, at some point in my life i realized that those violets were a gift from Nature Spirits, from Angels, and All that Is to remind me i was loved, I was not alone, and that the Violet Light would always be with me.
And so it is with all of us, as we open our eyes and see the treasures around us. The hints of our Angelic Guides, the whispers to our soul that we are not alone. It is there, in the scent of violets, in a secret old house, in your pet's eyes, in the whispering trees, and sparkling lights caught out of the corner of our sight. It is there, in the quiet.