Friday, August 24, 2012

In the interest of further defining who and what I am, i have decided to begin a series of blog posts about my enlightenment journey.  OY that's the never ending story! 

   We'll definitely begin with Once Upon A Time. Even as a child I remembered pieces of past lives.  Joan Grant called that Far Memory, and I like that term. I have traceable, rather famous characters in my other earthly timelines. I also have theories about the whole concept of past lives based on many years of study and experience.

I  have spent a large portion of my life fascinated with past lives, and the past life experience, what it means, what are the echoes, what is TIME, and why do we access certain lives?  I have regressed many, many people and at one time had a private practice doing just that- regressions.  I based my method on a book published in 1976 called: Hypersentience: Exploring Your Past Lifetime As a Guide to Your Character and Destiny by Marcia Moore. It was new when I read it - (age showing.)   Her method is extremely similar to Brian Weiss's method. I have come to realize that the vibrational alignment of the person conducting the reading/regression is a key component in the quality of the reading and regression experience.  So this makes it my job to keep my light in a clear and loving place as much as possible. 

All lightworkers are spirits having a physical human experience (Well okay i have met one or two that i don't think are actually human beings but rather angels or nature spirits in human form. This means we waft in and out of alignment, in and out of contrast and expansion.   means we are not PERFECT!   This, apparently, is our grand plan.  Abraham Hicks calls it a Step 1 moment, where we remember what we don't want so we can further define what we do want.  And so it is with all of us!

More to come.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Last week I had the occasion to spend four days showing someone around my area. Each day that passed was more beautiful than the next.  Each meal I was served was delicious.  My path was dotted with lovely, helpful people.  I sat to rest at a fountain and noticed a bottle of bubbles sitting next to me, and looked up to see a bride and groom having pictures taken.  I blew bubbled into the air and joined in the merriment. Each day more gratitude for all the abundance around me grew until by the fourth day I was glowing with that deep grace Abraham Hicks calls the Vortex.   Every time we use the phrase " I have to figure it out"  it is a little sign to ourselves to replace that with "I have to let go, let go and let go some more!

 Today I went through my favorite car wash.  After you slide into place the instructions are to Put the Car in Neutral and Let Go of the Steering Wheel.  The first time I noticed this sign in a bigger way I was in the middle of "figuring something out." I asked for direction from the higher beings, the All That Is,  the Angels, and got-- go to the carwash.  Really ?  I was already driving, so I pulled in and got into "ALIGNMENT" with the track. That is when I looked up and read those words in a whole different way.  What if we put ourselves in Neutral ---the space between worry and thrashing for solutions- and took our hands off the steering wheel?    I can tell you exactly what that feels like now-it is the smooth cool part of the river before we hit the rapids again. It is a drive through the most beautiful country around before the darkness falls for a short while.   We can't hate the rapids or the darkness, we just have to remember they will be over soon---as soon as we let go.