Last week I had the occasion to spend four days showing someone around my area. Each day that passed was more beautiful than the next. Each meal I was served was delicious. My path was dotted with lovely, helpful people. I sat to rest at a fountain and noticed a bottle of bubbles sitting next to me, and looked up to see a bride and groom having pictures taken. I blew bubbled into the air and joined in the merriment. Each day more gratitude for all the abundance around me grew until by the fourth day I was glowing with that deep grace Abraham Hicks calls the Vortex. Every time we use the phrase " I have to figure it out" it is a little sign to ourselves to replace that with "I have to let go, let go and let go some more!
Today I went through my favorite car wash. After you slide into place the instructions are to Put the Car in Neutral and Let Go of the Steering Wheel. The first time I noticed this sign in a bigger way I was in the middle of "figuring something out." I asked for direction from the higher beings, the All That Is, the Angels, and got-- go to the carwash. Really ? I was already driving, so I pulled in and got into "ALIGNMENT" with the track. That is when I looked up and read those words in a whole different way. What if we put ourselves in Neutral ---the space between worry and thrashing for solutions- and took our hands off the steering wheel? I can tell you exactly what that feels like now-it is the smooth cool part of the river before we hit the rapids again. It is a drive through the most beautiful country around before the darkness falls for a short while. We can't hate the rapids or the darkness, we just have to remember they will be over soon---as soon as we let go.
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